Sunday, January 04, 2009

Lazy Sunday

So today is the last day of my holiday break. It's back to work tomorrow. I'm conflicted about it. I'm looking forward to going back to work because I do like to be productive, but I work in a department that spends a lot of time surrounded by food. It's difficult especially when you work with people that questions the food you eat. I don't even know how to explain it, other than when your life is food you become nosy about the food that people eat.So anyway the whole point of that is I dread going back because my life becomes about cafeteria food and I have decided I'm bringing my own food to eat so I can stick to the WW program.

I did not accomplish a lot today either. I have been completely lazy. I got a couple loads of laundry done and I took H to exchange a pair of jeans she got for Christmas. She was pretty excited because she had to get them in a smaller size. I'm proud of her.

We also went to dinner over at my Mom's tonight. That was probably a mistake because I ended up eating beef stroganoff. It was leftovers so it's actually the second time in less than a week that I've eaten red meat. I'm not a huge fan of red meat, but every once in a while I crave it. I think I'm past the craving now. Points wise I'm still pretty close to my daily allowance. I ate oatmeal for breakfast and a piece of toast and then lost track of the day so I didn't eat again until dinner, so I'm good there, but I did realize that I ate way more at dinner than I needed to because I did not stay ahead of my hunger, something that the WW leader has been trying to encourage us to do. I failed today. Tomorrow I hope to do better.

Also, I joined the Biggest Loser Blog Edition 2. I think that will really help keep me focused. I won't win it because I lose weight too slowly (Thank you PCOS) but I do lose weight steadily when I stick to the program so I'm pretty excited about lsoing weight with others, even if it's with people I have never met in person.

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