Thursday, September 17, 2009

Life is crap.

I have handled teenage drinking and bi-curious behavior in the most awful manner. I thought I was far more tolerant than I really am. It's been a completely shitty week, and I'm not sure I like this business of being a parent to a teenager. I don't even know how to fix this huge gap between my daughter and me. It feels ike the Grand Canyon and since there are only the two of us in this house it is very quiet and extremely lonely here. I want chocolate very badly almost as much as I want to curl up in a ball and well, bawl my eyes out.

In other news, I got another new job and I start it next week. Travel is involved, which would be awesome, if it weren't for the above teenage drama. Intertnational travel is a distinct possibility. So can you tell my life is stressful? and actually through this all, I'm actually losing weight rather than gaining. haven't blown it all because of stress. So yay one good thing.


Shhhhh said...

Had 3 teenagers, so I know what you're going through. (((HUGS)))

Hope you can find some way to bridge the gap. Don't let the silence last too long. Good luck!

Fatinah said...

teenagers are hard. I'm completely convinced that mine (just one child, 16) is trying to put me in an insane asylum! Just don't give up on her. I think that we get frustrated and it's tempting to just checkout, but this is when they need us the most.

the bi-curious - is just her trying to figure out who she is or she is just looking for a reaction. Sigh....

The drinking though... maybe you want to go to al-anon - there may be some tips or something to help you help her...??? Or, at the very least, help you deal....

It is so hard, because no matter what you do - you always wonder if you could have done better - or if you have just secured yourself a guest spot on Jerry Springer!!

Hang in there!

Carlos said...

hang in there... my kids are small but you just scared me into a vasectomy!