Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Tuesday Exercise

I kicked as tonight at the gym. I took 30 minute Abs and of course Zumba! I take these classes every Tuesday so neither is new to my schedule, but I did try to put more effort into each move, whether it was a crunch or a squat. I'm a good kind of tired tonight. My knees are a bit sore right now, but I think I'll be fine by the morning. Both classes earned me 13 AP's today, which is a good thing because I was horrible with food this weekend... I ate all my WP's before Sunday was through and AP's that I hadn't even earned yet. heh. The last two days have been pretty good food wise. I'm back on track and making healthy choices... It would be great if I could transfer my eating habits during the week to the weekend.

1 comment:

Carlos said...

sounds like you are kicking ass during the week.... five days are better than none. don't beat yourself up too bad about the weekends...