Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weekly Weigh In - 3/21/09

Gosh, I haven't posted anything all week! I'm not sure why, but I think I've been feeling a bit of lather, rinse, repeat and haven't had anything interesting to say. I've been eating right and exercising all week, so I was hoping for a decent loss on the scale. I even said no to Cold Stone ice cream cake last night when celebrating my brother's 23rd birthday. I ate a skinny cow ice cream instead. So on to my results:

I am


and I received this today at my Weight Watchers meeting:

So I feel renewed and inspired to keep going on this journey because I can do this. I can get healthy and thin if I just keep on this path. As a reward for all my hard work I am going to get my hair cut and colored. I haven't given myself any reward yet, even though I was going to do something at the 10 and 20 lb marks. Since I didn't I feel okay with rewarding myself for 10% and then my 25 lb Weight Watcher loss. I just hope I can get an appointment this weekend, I've got lots of gray showing and I've got to get rid of it soon! Then I might post some before and after photos. I saw a picture of me from July 08 (just before I started exercising) and I can not believe that is what I looked like!

1 comment:

Psalmist said...

Pictures are really cool, aren't they? :o )