Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

I did not go into work today. I braved the snow yesterday because I didn't think 2.5 inches was enogh to justify not going into work, but when we hit 7 inches I decided I was not hitting the roads and especially when I leave for work at 5:30 AM and the roads have barely been plowed. So I've been awake since 4:30 AM and I have the whole day to do some cooking and cleaning and snow shoveling today.


Shhhhh said...

There's no way this Southern girl would even get out in 2.5", so you're much braver than I am. Enjoy your snow day!

Psalmist said...

Where in the world do you live, that they actually plow the roads? *laughs* (We've been sorely neglected due to budget cuts.)

Krissy said...

St. Louis, MO... actually it's St. Charles County (just accross the MO River from the STL). I can't even imagine the uproar if our roads weren't salted and plowed after a snowstorm.