Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weekly Weigh In...

So, I'm just going to say I'm incredibly frustrated at the moment because I've just gotten back from my weigh-in and there was.... no change. I neither lost nor did I gain! WTF? This was the first week, that I didn't cave and head to a fast food restaurant. This was the first week that I didn't eat breakfast from the cafeteria at work everyday. This was the first week, that other than spaghetti night (that I had all of my flex points for) that I cooked healthy meals and ate well like a normal person and not the overeater that I am. And the results are no loss? So I say again W.T.F.? The WW leader thinks the loss will catch up with me next week, but hell that just does not make me feel better now.


Di said...

That's it! I am also in the midwest and I had a 0.4 lb gain this week. The answer must be Fat Air !!!!

Krissy said...

My sister said almost the same exact thing last night! And that was before we knew I'd lost not a damn thing!

Bre said...

((HUGS)) sweetie, it will get better - never get discouraged because if you stick with it your weihgt will go down!

Fatinah said...

I think it will catch up next week - you keep up the awesome work!!

Shari said...

That is the most frustrating thing -- doing everything right and it not showing on the scales.

Keep up the great work and I also believe it will catch up next week. Drink lots of water and watch the salt. Personally I hold water like nobodies business when I have too much salt.