Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 4 30 Day Shred

I was up bright and early this morning and not nearly as sore as I have been. I could walk and everything! I turned Shred on almost right away so I could get it over with, hop in the shower, and then head to church. I used the 5 lb weights today for eveything but the side lunges/arm raises, my arms are just not strong enough to complete the move the entire time with 5 lb weights. I continue to sweat profusely during this 20 minute workout.

The most interesting thing I noticed this morning (besides feeling stronger already!) was that my waist looked smaller. Seriously, it looked smaller to me so I brought out the measuring tape and I was right! I've lost an 1 1/2 inches in 4 freaking days. Now, I'm going to admit just how bad my waistline has been. When I started this journey last July my waist was 42 inches. 4 days ago my waist measurement was 37 inches. This morning my waist measurement read 35 1/2 inches. I'm really exicted about this result and am totally staying with the Shred for the whole time, just to see how good my results can be. I think the bicycle crunches are the reason why my waist has transformed the way it has so far.

Anyway, I think I've had some really good results so far. If you have not tried the 30 Day Shred yet and want to, enter my contest for a chance to win a copy of it.


Carlos said...

awesome progress!

Natasha said...

Hurray for the 30-Day Shred! That's great progress. Do you feel like you have more energy?

Krissy said...

I definitely feel more awake after doing Shred, and that high lasts for quite some time after, so Iguess the answer is, yes I feel like I have mroe energy.

Fatinah said...

that shred sounds awesome - I'm excited for you seeing such good results!!